We transform healthcare access & efficiency using open source AI.

Our non-profit structure allows our partners, such as the National Institutes of Health and Harvard Medical School, to grant access to the health data needed to build, train, and deploy our AI engine, ClinicalBERT. Releasing and conducting research using this open source AI means we can require enterprises using our tech to validate their deployments of our model against state-of-the-art health equity metrics.

Learn more Donate

Payless Health.

From patients to doctors, Payless.health is a free platform to help you understand how much you will pay. We are currently building the search engine and data platform. In the meantime, you can view the help pages (opens in a new tab).

Data Thinking.

Data sucks. We teach you to suck less.

Powered by
AI for health.

Full-text search,
zero-config needed.

Nextra indexes your content automatically at build-time and performs incredibly fast full-text search via FlexSearch (opens in a new tab).

Organize pages intuitively,
with file-system routing from Next.js.

A11y as a top priority.

Nextra respects system options
such as Increase Contrast and Reduce Motion.

Hybrid rendering,
next generation.

You can leverage the hybrid rendering power from Next.js with your Markdown content including SSG (opens in a new tab), SSR (opens in a new tab), and ISR (opens in a new tab).

And more...

SEO / RTL Layout / Pluggable Themes / Built-in Components / Last Git Edit Time / Multi-Docs...
A lot of new possibilities to be explored.

Start using Nextra →